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Miami-based Wilson Alvarez Consulting Group is ancient by dot-com standards. Our ups and downs, and how we have survived this economic downturn is because we specialize in Computer Consulting and most of all, "custom-built" systems and servers. We show customers how to take advantage of the existing technology. We are a solution provider for small business in the South Florida area.

Wilson Alvarez Consulting Group started with a goal of how to provide and help small business take advantage of computers and compete with the big business. Wilson Alvarez established it in 1991. With good software and hardware foundation the company went off like a rocket in the computer industry.

What sets us apart in this hard industry is the strong foundation of the technology knowledge and business skills. This foundation is our foundation. We understand the technology and help customers to have the best of it without spending a lot of money.

The economic situation affected us as well as all business in the United States, but we took advantage of that and came out of it as a big winner. We did this by cutting costs wherever it was possible, retraining our contractors to handle multiple functions within company, offering better prices and more services, expanding our product line and service throughout South Florida, and teaming up with major vendors (such as PC MALL & CDW) to provide the best performance systems at very low prices.

No customer is too small or too big for us. Our customers range from individuals, government agencies, & small businesses.

We don't only build computers. It goes further than that; we can provide the hardware, software, training, and  networking Providing these products is not enough. We try to make sure we're helping customers and showing them how to take advantage of the new technology, how to cut costs, and how to make more money by using the best hardware and software.